Innovation and creativity awards go out to the students of 7A today.  To help raise money for the Terry Fox events at the school, the students decided to fund raise at school by asking teachers and staff to make donations.  This was above and beyond their responsibilities and they did an excellent job!

Thanks to all the teachers that supported the students as they raced around the track for donations. 

The big day is tomorrow!  Tie up your running shoes and prepare for the race.  Class that runs the most laps collectively will be declared the champions.  Ready, set, GO!
Minor Hafez
9/30/2012 03:05:13 am

You know, I don't think this is show off or anything, I actually find this great from the great 7As. And I find you Ms. Kim just great. So is Mr. Jefferey. I really like his daughter Shay! And your children are cute too. And this website is cool. Great.


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